Summer Camp

Offering camp for 1st through 4th graders!

Executive Kids offers camp during the summer months for students of all ages. Camp is located at our main campus, 271 Grove Avenue, Verona NJ. We are open Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 6:30pm. Below are some of the many activities planned for summer.

Summer Camp 2020 Brochure
Summer camp 2020 is coming soon! Check out our brochure for more information.
EK Summer Camp Brochure 2020.docx
Microsoft Word document [153.3 KB]
September 2020 Camp Brochure for Verona Late Start School Year
Executive Kids is offering a camp for any families that need care the first two weeks of the September 2020 school year.
September 2020 Camp Brochure.docx
Microsoft Word document [203.5 KB]

Daily Schedule:


7:00-9:00 Drop Off

9:00-10:00 Weekly Theme

10:00-10:30 Snack

10:30-12:00 Weekly Activity #1

12:00-1:00 Outdoors

1:00-1:30 Lunch

1:30-2:00 Technology Time

2:00-3:00 Arts and Crafts

3:00-3:30 Snack

3:30-4:30 Weekly Activity #2

4:30-6:30 Pick Up



Weekly Themes:


Week 1: Under the Sea

Week 2: Camping

Week 3: Plants and Seeds

Week 4: Dinosaurs

Week 5: Rainforest

Week 6: Fairy Tales

Week 7: History of Music

Week 8: Outer Space

Weekly Activities:


Monday: Building and Experiments

Tuesday: Cooking and Pottery

Wednesday: Dance/Gymnastics and Sports

Thursday: Entrepreneurship

Friday: Yoga/Exercise

Special Days and Activities

Throughout the summer, your child will be participating in various "special days." Below are some examples of these days.


  1. Field Trips - We have planned some trips for your children for the summer months. Further information will be provided.
  2. Water Play - Twice a week, your child can participate in water play outside.
  3. Carnival Day
  4. Fruit Salad Day
  5. Pajama Day
  6. Tie Dye Day

We also offer a healthy hot lunch program for all campers!

Sign up and enroll today! Contact or call 973-571-9515 for more information.

We're Here for You


Main Campus

271 Grove Ave

Verona, NJ 07044

Phone: (973) 571-9515


Brookdale Campus

(inside Brookdale Elementary)

14 Brookdale Court

Verona, NJ 07044

Phone: (862) 236-2048


Business hours

Monday through Friday

7:00 am to 6:00 pm


Or use our contact form.

Healthy Hot Lunch Program

    We serve a Healthy Hot lunch daily. Our lunches consist of a protein, fruit, vegetable, snack and beverage. For a complete menu and order form please click Here

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